Maria Florio Inspiring Human Potential Happy Holidays Light and Love Always

Inner Growth Thought of The Day 358 – The Power For Transformation and The Unknown

Dealing with the unknown is something many people research, question, and are thrown off by for various reasons that are a part of being human and the relationship with not knowing things. Moments of transformation brings unknown components to it too and through inner growth you become aware of this.

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December 24

Inner Growth Thought of the Day: The Power For Transformation & The Unknown


Tune in to the Inspiring Human Potential podcast on Anchor to hear more on the topic 😊


Dealing with the unknown is something many people research, question, and are thrown off by for various reasons that are a part of being human and the relationship with not knowing things.  Moments of transformation brings unknown components to it too and through inner growth you become aware of this.


Thanks to an inner growth mindset and journey you realize how the power for transformation and the unknown go hand-in-hand.  It is because of the ability to bring openness and curiosity consciously to a moment through inner growth that you not only apply transformation, since it is what you want, but you also consciously acknowledge in the moment how you don’t really know what that transformation will bring; therefore you are embracing and bringing forth that unknown by choosing transformation through inner growth..


Here are some ways to use inner growth to tap in to your power for transformation and the unknown that comes with your chosen journey.


  1. As soon as you become aware of the unknown as part of the reason why you are reacting to something in a certain way (a way that isn’t open or in tune with your inner core, heart, the essence of you), take some time to bring forth one to two ways you can use your power for transformation from within to stay open to the unknown in the moment.


  1. Take some of the things you have transformed throughout the year and identify the unknown components of these transformations that revealed themselves in time. Write about at least one of these unknowns and how approaching it with inner growth in mind helped you appreciate it.


  1. At the end of every week make a list of emotions you worked through by raising your consciousness in the moment to the power for transformation that you have from within (inner core, heart, the essence of you, your inner voice). Also, explore how this raising of consciousness brought forth the feelings connected to the unknown components of those emotions.


Your turn – Share your inner growth thought of the day, a sentence, life examples, or action steps you take with new beginnings 😊

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